Happy to announce that Lakbayl, the latest single from Daraa Tribes, has been presented, broadcasted and put in rotation on Radio Lotte, Weimar, Germany.
Happy to announce that Lakbayl, the latest single from Daraa Tribes, has been presented, broadcasted and put in rotation on Lakbayl on Radio Taïga – CIVR 103,5 fm, Canada.
Happy to announce that Lakbayl, the latest single from Daraa Tribes, has been presented, broadcasted and put in rotation on Radioactif Martinique | France.
Lakbayl on Antenne Saar SR 1 Europawelle | Germany
Happy to announce that Lakbayl, the latest single from Daraa Tribes, has been presented, broadcasted and put in rotation on Antenne Saar SR 1 Europawelle | Germany.
Happy to announce that Lakbayl, the latest single from Daraa Tribes, has been presented, broadcasted and put in rotation on Radio France Internationale
Siamo felici di annunciarvi che lunedì 15 novembre, come secondo impegno ufficiale del TJLT November Tour, dopo il concerto al Bflat di Cagliari, andremo in onda per una intervista a Messina, Furci Siculo, su Radio Empire FM 94.90-107.00 col Through Jaco Legacy Trio. Potrete ascoltare cos’avranno da dirvi Felix e Julius Pastorius e Jose Luis Santacruz dalle ore 18:00 alle 19:00 per un’ora di grande jazz!
Nel tour sono previsti sia concerti che masterclass, per musicisti di jazz, sulla musica del grande Jaco Pastorius. Per tenervi informati sul nostro tour basta che ci seguiate sui nostri social. Li trovate tutti a questo link: https://linktr.ee/fborgosano