mariaFausta | Alternative, Progressive, Rock, Pop

mariaFausta | Alternative, Progressive, Rock, Pop (IT)


Alternative, Progressive, Rock, Pop

mariaFausta | Alternative, Progressive, Rock, Pop
mariaFausta | Alternative, Progressive, Rock, Pop
mariaFausta | Alternative, Progressive, Rock, Pop
mariaFausta | Alternative, Progressive, Rock, Pop
mariaFausta | Alternative, Progressive, Rock, Pop
mariaFausta | Alternative, Progressive, Rock, Pop
mariaFausta | Alternative, Progressive, Rock, Pop
mariaFausta | Alternative, Progressive, Rock, Pop
mariaFausta | Alternative, Progressive, Rock, Pop
mariaFausta | Alternative, Progressive, Rock, Pop
mariaFausta | Alternative, Progressive, Rock, Pop
mariaFausta | Alternative, Progressive, Rock, Pop
mariaFausta | Alternative, Progressive, Rock, Pop
mariaFausta | Alternative, Progressive, Rock, Pop
mariaFausta | Alternative, Progressive, Rock, Pop
mariaFausta | Alternative, Progressive, Rock, Pop
mariaFausta | Alternative, Progressive, Rock, Pop
mariaFausta | Alternative, Progressive, Rock, Pop
mariaFausta | Alternative, Progressive, Rock, Pop
mariaFausta | Alternative, Progressive, Rock, Pop
mariaFausta | Alternative, Progressive, Rock, Pop
mariaFausta | Alternative, Progressive, Rock, Pop
mariaFausta | Alternative, Progressive, Rock, Pop
mariaFausta | Alternative, Progressive, Rock, Pop
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mariaFausta | Short BIO

mariaFausta began studying music at the age of 14. She graduated in violin at the Corelli Conservatory of Messina, in jazz at the CMDL in France and in conducting at the European Conducting Academy in Vicenza. Since she was a child she has cultivated a passion for singing, far from any kind of ‘standardization’ of vocal technique and explores her own expressive dimension, in all its forms. She collaborates with groups of all genres from baroque to pop music, electronic, classic and progressive rock, blues and jazz. She was leader of the Spell trio for 12 years.

At 17, the album “The spell trio. An album of progressive and jazz “in which, in addition to the common arrangements and the interpretation of ‘The captain of her heart’ by Kurt Maloo from Double (with which mariaFausta collaborates as a violinist on the album “Summer Better Times”), are included two of her original songs: “The Battle of black and white”, entirely composed, played, sung, arranged and recorded by her in the form of a solo and the ballad “Land of Heaven”.

Active in live shows and concerts in various countries including Italy, France, China, Spain and Switzerland. Recently his participation in various concerts in Switzerland as a soloist of the Wangen wind orchestra. In France, where she lived for several years, she also plays at the prestigious Samois sur Seine Festival. She has never abandoned the love for classical music which he continues to discover both as a teacher and as an orchestra professor.

After returning from an orchestral tour in China in the cities of Tianjin and Harbin, she began a new experience as a composer of music for the theater scene. In the last three years she has written soundtracks for the television libraries of RTI Mediaset, dedicating himself to his personal project “Million Faces” which, in 2018, he presents during a tour with Le Orme, opening for Will Hunt by Evanescence and at Fimaa Milano, in concert at the Italian Consulate of Istanbul for the Republic Day, at the review for Palermo City of Culture, on tour in France and in many other prestigious events.

She collaborates with great musicians including: Olivier Ker Ourio, Didier Del Aguila, Eda Zari, Kurt Maloo, Franco Mezzena and Didier Lockwood with whom she duets in Paris during the presentation of the album at the Theater de Nesle. She is currently working to finish the recordings of the new album, which is scheduled for release next fall.

mariaFausta | MILLION FACES

The disc of the Sicilian singer and composer is written, produced and arranged entirely by her, a young multifaceted artist who is enjoying considerable acclaim abroad, especially in France, where she has been performing and collaborating with renowned musicians for some time.

In the live shows mariaFausta performs “solo” with an exciting and engaging show, with loop stations and other sound supports, or with a line-up that can be modulated according to the context, from the classic rock quartet to a band that includes some international guests.

Million Faces, an eagerly awaited and cultivated album, represents the artist’s debut as a soloist and reflects the desire to be accessible to everyone, while not giving up his own nature and the different qualities of the styles she loves. The love for the orchestra, from the most classic to the most modern sounds, the love for rock, electronics, progressive, blues, jazz and pop music. Internationally renowned musicians also collaborated on the disc – among others the Italian classical violinist Franco Mezzena, the French jazz harmonica player Olivier Ker Ourio and the French flamenco bassist Didier Del Aguila.

The album is available in CD format, in digital download and on allstreaming platforms


“Maria Fausta Rizzo, an eclectic, brilliant artist. A 360-degree musician … “- Franco Mezzena (Italian Violin Virtuoso)

“Maria Fausta, a violent but violent positive talent. Like a creation.”- Lior Shambadal (Chief Conductor of Berliner Symphoniker)

“One of the greatest natural talents I’ve ever met. Pure music “- Melo Mafali (Italian Pianist and composer)

“Maria Fausta est un diamant brut au cĹ“ur de velours! Une voix Ă  la profondeur et l’âpretĂ©” Joplinienne “loin de l’aseptisation vocale des chanteurs d’aujourd’hui. Elle nous rĂ©veille et nous touche au plus profond de notre intimitĂ© , there where the on ne peut opposer la moindre rĂ©sistance. Maria Fausta est non seulement musicien de thĂ©, tĂŞte aux pieds mais aussi great tragĂ©dienne so much incarne magnifiquement La poĂ©sie de sa musique et de ses textes. J’adore! “- Didier Lockwood (French Jazz violinist, composer, producer and founder of CMDL)

mariaFausta on social media:

mariaFausta | VIDEOCLIPS

Look Over
Baby Shine
Rare Woman

mariaFausta | LIVE VIDEOS

Baby Shine
Feat. Didier Del Aguila
Feat. Olivier Ker Ourio
Feat. Didier Lockwood

mariaFausta | INTERVIEWS:


mariaFausta | PRESS REVIEW

mariaFausta firma le musiche del nuovo spettacolo di Katia Ippaso

Messina: mariaFausta presenta l’album “Million Faces”


Recensione: MariaFausta – Million Faces

mariaFausta, “Million Faces”: la recensione

[LP] mariaFausta – Million Faces

“Pop, rock, jazz… e non solo” MariaFausta Million Faces

MILLION FACES : il rock intimista ed esplosivo di Maria Fausta Rizzo per la Filarmonica Laudamo

Mariafausta – Million Faces | Les Oreilles Curieuses

mariaFausta LIVE Description

Artist: mariaFausta

Genre: Alternative / Rock / Pop


1 to 5 Musicians Electric Band or Unplugged


5 musicians + .Glorius 4 (chorus) + Orchestra + guests (Franco Mezzena, Olivier ker Ourio, Didier Del Aguila)


5 musicians + 3 Choristers: Full Electric Band (Video of live concert:

Baby Shine
Love Song


Drums: Stefano Sgrò, Matthieu Chazarenc, Tiss Rodriguez.

Bass: Massimo Pino, Didier Del Aguila.

Guitar :Antonio Amante Reynolds.

Chorus: Glorius 4

Sound engineer: Gaetano Leonardi

Guests: Franco Mezzena, Olivier Ker Ourio.

Franco Mezzena pupil of Salvatore Accardo. He has played in the most important theaters and guest in major festivals throughout Europe, Japan, Africa, the United States, Central and South America. He recently had a smash hit at New York’s Carnegie Hall. He played with Salvatore Accardo, Bruno Canino, Rocco Filippini, Bruno Giuranna, Alain Meunier, Bruno Mezzena, Anthony Pay, Franco Petracchi, Ruggiero Ricci. With more than 80 albums published, he has recorded in world premiere, for the Dynamic label, the complete of the 29 concertos for violin and orchestra by GB Viotti and numerous Paganini and unpublished works. He has recorded the complete Beethoven compositions for piano and violin for Wide Classique. He holds numerous specialization courses in Italy and abroad (Royal College and Trinity College in London, Oxford, Hochschule in Leipzig and Cologne, Tokyo, Osaka, Mexico City, etc.). He is Artistic Director of the Chamber Orchestra of Lecce and Salento and of the Mozart Italia Association section of Pordenone. He wins the Napoli Cultural Classic Award (XV edition) at the 2015 Excellence.

Olivier Ker Ourio is recognized today as the greatest chromatic harmonica player in the world. Successor of Toots Thielemans, Ker Ourio is not only a great soloist but also a brilliant composer. Its expressive and warm sound always favors emotion and its music reaches straight to the heart. He has collaborated with great international musicians including Sylvian Luc, Marcel Azzola, Michel Legrand, Didier Lockwood, Danyel Waro. Since 2014, after the meeting at the CMDL, he has collaborated with mariaFausta in the studio and in live shows.

Didier Del Aguila, bass player, double bass player. The richness of his rhythmic and melodic sound has meant that over the years he collaborated with the biggest names in international jazz. At the age of 15 he began playing with M. Petrucciani, later Steve Houton, Louis Winsberg, Sylvian Luc, Mino Cinelu and many others. For 12 years he is bassist of the flamenco guitarist JUAN CARMONA with whom he plays in the largest halls in the world (Royal Albert Hall – London, Montreal Jazz Festival, Red Sea Jazz Festival, Eilat). In 2014 he became bass player of mariaFausta and his Million Faces project.

Antonio Amante Reynolds, guitarist and singer active on the Italian scene for more than 20 years, boasts collaborations with national and international artists such as Paul DiAnno (Iron Maiden), Tony Esposito, Ernesto Vitolo, Scott Henderson, Iarin Munari (R. Vecchioni, Stadio). For more than 10 years he has been collaborating as a mariaFausta guitarist in various formations.

Stefano Sgrò, drummer, graduated with full marks from the “F. Cilea ”of Reggio Calabria. He obtained the II level academic diploma in jazz music with the highest marks at the Corelli Conservatory of Messina. He has played with artists such as José Carreras, Loretta Goggi, Paolo Ferrari, Edoardo Bennato, Joe Amoruso, Danilo Rea, Rosalba Bentivoglio, Tony Esposito, Franco Fasano and currently collaborates with the Night and day orchestra, the ethno-folk group Kunsertu and the singer-songwriter. Maria Fausta Rizzo.

Massimo Pino, bassist and composer, began his career as a professional musician in the musical “Jesus Christ Super Superstar” by Massimo Romeo Piparo and in “Evita”. With Olivia Cinquemani he participates in “A disco for the summer”; he is the bassist of “Zongaje”, formerly “Kunsertu”, with whom he records the album “MenzamĂ ” and participates in the “Womad”; he plays with Mario Venuti, with Irene Fargo and with Tony Canto; since 2009 he is the bass player of “Nemas Project”; he plays with Gabriele Savasta and records the album “Un ignorante intellectual”; he plays with “Bandamariù” and records the album “Bumma”. In 2004 his recording project “DoctorCom” was born, with which in 2009 he won the “Pop Rock Contest” and in 2011 he released his first EP “White”.


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Artists’ Videos



Fabrizio Borgosano

Fabrizio Borgosano
Mobile: +39 340 6953499

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mariaFausta – Intervista Radio Doc – DOC Night Live

mariaFausta – Intervista Radio Doc – DOC Night Live

Intervista Radio DOC – Doc Night Live – mariaFausta presenta alcuni brani di Million Faces live al Doc Night Live con Antonio Amante Reynolds alla chitarra.



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Fabrizio Borgosano

+4915753335416 (also Whatsapp)